

公式: Deno, the next-generation JavaScript runtime

Deno は、V8 JavaScriptエンジン及びRustプログラミング言語に基づいた、JavaScript及びTypeScriptのランタイム環境である。
Node.js の作者であるライアン・ダールによって作成され、セキュリティと生産性に焦点を当てている。
ライアン・ダールが 2018 年に行った講演「Node.jsに関する10の反省点」で発表された。
Deno は単一の実行ファイル内でランタイム環境とパッケージ管理システムの両方の役割を明示的に引き受けるので、別途パッケージ管理システムを必要としない。
Deno - Wikiwand より

公式: Getting Started - Deno Docs

$ curl -fsSL | sh

######################################################################## 100.0%
Archive:  /home/tomoyan/.deno/bin/
  inflating: /home/tomoyan/.deno/bin/deno  
Deno was installed successfully to /home/tomoyan/.deno/bin/deno
info: backing '/home/tomoyan/.bash_profile' up to '/home/tomoyan/.deno/.shellRcBackups/.bash_profile.bak'
info: backing '/home/tomoyan/.bashrc' up to '/home/tomoyan/.deno/.shellRcBackups/.bashrc.bak'
info: backing '/home/tomoyan/.zshrc' up to '/home/tomoyan/.deno/.shellRcBackups/.zshrc.bak'

Deno was added to the PATH.
You may need to restart your shell for it to become available.

warning: Failed to install completions for bash: PermissionDenied: Permission denied (os error 13): mkdir '/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d'
Run '/home/tomoyan/.deno/bin/deno --help' to get started

Stuck? Join our Discord

シェルの設定を反映 (zsh)🤔

$ . ~/.zshrc


$ deno -v

deno 1.46.3

$ deno -h

Deno: A modern JavaScript and TypeScript runtime

Usage: deno [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

    run          Run a JavaScript or TypeScript program, or a task
                  deno run main.ts  |  deno run main.ts  |  deno main.ts
    serve        Run a server
                  deno serve main.ts
    task         Run a task defined in the configuration file
                  deno task dev
    repl         Start an interactive Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) for Deno
    eval         Evaluate a script from the command line

  Dependency management:
    add          Add dependencies
                  deno add @std/assert  |  deno add npm:express
    install      Install script as an executable
    uninstall    Uninstall a script previously installed with deno install
    remove       Remove dependencies from the configuration file

    bench        Run benchmarks
                  deno bench bench.ts
    cache        Cache the dependencies
    check        Type-check the dependencies
    compile      Compile the script into a self contained executable
                  deno compile main.ts  |  deno compile --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    coverage     Print coverage reports
    doc          Genereate and show documentation for a module or built-ins
                  deno doc  |  deno doc --json  |  deno doc --html mod.ts
    fmt          Format source files
                  deno fmt  |  deno fmt main.ts
    info         Show info about cache or info related to source file
    jupyter      Deno kernel for Jupyter notebooks
    lint         Lint source files
    init         Initialize a new project
    test         Run tests
                  deno test  |  deno test test.ts
    publish      Publish the current working directory's package or workspace
    upgrade      Upgrade deno executable to given version
                  deno upgrade  |  deno upgrade 1.45.0  |  deno upgrade canary

Environment variables:
  DENO_AUTH_TOKENS      A semi-colon separated list of bearer tokens and hostnames
                        to use when fetching remote modules from private repositories
                         (e.g. ";")
  DENO_FUTURE           Set to "1" to enable APIs that will take effect in Deno 2
  DENO_CERT             Load certificate authorities from PEM encoded file
  DENO_DIR              Set the cache directory
  DENO_INSTALL_ROOT     Set deno install's output directory
                         (defaults to $HOME/.deno/bin)
  DENO_NO_PACKAGE_JSON  Disables auto-resolution of package.json
  DENO_NO_UPDATE_CHECK  Set to disable checking if a newer Deno version is available
  DENO_TLS_CA_STORE     Comma-separated list of order dependent certificate stores.
                        Possible values: "system", "mozilla".
                         (defaults to "mozilla")
  HTTP_PROXY            Proxy address for HTTP requests
                         (module downloads, fetch)
  HTTPS_PROXY           Proxy address for HTTPS requests
                         (module downloads, fetch)
  NO_COLOR              Set to disable color
  NO_PROXY              Comma-separated list of hosts which do not use a proxy
                         (module downloads, fetch)
  NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY   URL to use for the npm registry.

Standard Library:

JupyterLab - Project Jupyter の次世代ユーザーインターフェース をインストールする🤔

$ deno jupyter -h

Deno kernel for Jupyter notebooks

Usage: deno jupyter [OPTIONS]

      --conn <conn>  Path to JSON file describing connection parameters, provided by Jupyter
      --install      Installs kernelspec, requires 'jupyter' command to be available.
      --kernel       Start the kernel
  -q, --quiet        Suppress diagnostic output

$ deno jupyter --install  

Warning "deno jupyter" is unstable and might change in the future.
✅ Deno kernelspec installed successfully.

Jupyter Kernel のインストール確認🤔

$ mamba run -n jupyterlab jupyter kernelspec list

Available kernels:
  python3        /home/tomoyan/miniforge3/envs/jupyterlab/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
  xpython        /home/tomoyan/miniforge3/envs/jupyterlab/share/jupyter/kernels/xpython
  xpython-raw    /home/tomoyan/miniforge3/envs/jupyterlab/share/jupyter/kernels/xpython-raw
  deno           /home/tomoyan/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/deno

Deno kernel for Jupyter notebooks 001

tslab で TypeScript と JavaScript Kernel をインストールする場合は以下の手順を実行する🤔

$ pnpm install -g tslab

Downloading @tslab/typescript-for-tslab@5.0.4: 7.05 MB/7.05 MB, done
 WARN  3 deprecated subdependencies found: glob@7.2.3, inflight@1.0.6, sourcemap-codec@1.4.8
Packages: +136
Progress: resolved 137, reused 0, downloaded 136, added 136, done
.pnpm/zeromq@6.0.4/node_modules/zeromq: Running install script, done in 378ms

+ tslab 1.0.22

Done in 6.8s


$ tslab install --version

tslab 1.0.22

Jupyter の TypeScript kernel と JavaScript kernel をインストール🤔

$ mamba run -n jupyterlab tslab install

Running python3 /home/tomoyan/.local/share/pnpm/global/5/.pnpm/tslab@1.0.22/node_modules/tslab/python/ --tslab=tslab
Installing TypeScript kernel spec
Installing JavaScript kernel spec

Jupyter Kernel のインストール確認🤔

$ mamba run -n jupyterlab jupyter kernelspec list

Available kernels:
  python3        /home/tomoyan/miniforge3/envs/jupyterlab/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
  xpython        /home/tomoyan/miniforge3/envs/jupyterlab/share/jupyter/kernels/xpython
  xpython-raw    /home/tomoyan/miniforge3/envs/jupyterlab/share/jupyter/kernels/xpython-raw
  deno           /home/tomoyan/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/deno
  jslab          /home/tomoyan/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/jslab
  tslab          /home/tomoyan/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/tslab

tslab kernel for Jupyter notebooks 001

  • javascript/deno.txt
  • 最終更新: 2024/10/01 12:57
  • by ともやん