
Scoop - Windows 用のコマンドラインインストーラ

Scoop Logo
本家: Scoop
ドキュメント: Home · lukesampson/scoop Wiki
ソースコード: lukesampson/scoop: A command-line installer for Windows.

Scoop (スクープ) は、Windows 用のコマンドラインインストーラである。Linux ディストリビューション用のパッケージマネージャ (dnfapt など) のように、アプリのインストール/更新/アンインストールを行うことができる。


$ Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
のヘルプ トピック (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170)
[Y] はい(Y)  [A] すべて続行(A)  [N] いいえ(N)  [L] すべて無視(L)  [S] 中断(S)  [?] ヘルプ (既定値は "N"): y <- y を入力

以下の別名(Alias)の短いコマンドで Scoop をインストールする。

$ iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex


$ Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')
Downloading scoop...
Creating shim...
Downloading main bucket...
Adding ~\scoop\shims to your path.
'lastupdate' has been set to '2020-03-12T19:20:09.9538543+09:00'
Scoop was installed successfully!
Type 'scoop help' for instructions.
$ scoop help
Usage: scoop <command> [<args>]

Some useful commands are:

alias       Manage scoop aliases
bucket      Manage Scoop buckets
cache       Show or clear the download cache
checkup     Check for potential problems
cleanup     Cleanup apps by removing old versions
config      Get or set configuration values
create      Create a custom app manifest
depends     List dependencies for an app
export      Exports (an importable) list of installed apps
help        Show help for a command
hold        Hold an app to disable updates
home        Opens the app homepage
info        Display information about an app
install     Install apps
list        List installed apps
prefix      Returns the path to the specified app
reset       Reset an app to resolve conflicts
search      Search available apps
status      Show status and check for new app versions
unhold      Unhold an app to enable updates
uninstall   Uninstall an app
update      Update apps, or Scoop itself
virustotal  Look for app's hash on virustotal.com
which       Locate a shim/executable (similar to 'which' on Linux)

Type 'scoop help <command>' to get help for a specific command.

インストールスクリプト (install.ps1 と同じ内容)

$ (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')
#Requires -Version 5
# remote install:
#   Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')
$old_erroractionpreference = $erroractionpreference
$erroractionpreference = 'stop' # quit if anything goes wrong
if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) -lt 5) {
    Write-Output "PowerShell 5 or later is required to run Scoop."
    Write-Output "Upgrade PowerShell: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/installing-windows-powershell"
# show notification to change execution policy:
$allowedExecutionPolicy = @('Unrestricted', 'RemoteSigned', 'ByPass')
if ((Get-ExecutionPolicy).ToString() -notin $allowedExecutionPolicy) {
    Write-Output "PowerShell requires an execution policy in [$($allowedExecutionPolicy -join ", ")] to run Scoop."
    Write-Output "For example, to set the execution policy to 'RemoteSigned' please run :"
    Write-Output "'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser'"
if ([System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -notcontains 'Tls12') {
    Write-Output "Scoop requires at least .NET Framework 4.5"
    Write-Output "Please download and install it first:"
    Write-Output "https://www.microsoft.com/net/download"
# get core functions
$core_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukesampson/scoop/master/lib/core.ps1'
Write-Output 'Initializing...'
Invoke-Expression (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring($core_url)
# prep
if (installed 'scoop') {
    write-host "Scoop is already installed. Run 'scoop update' to get the latest version." -f red
    # don't abort if invoked with iex that would close the PS session
    if ($myinvocation.mycommand.commandtype -eq 'Script') { return } else { exit 1 }
$dir = ensure (versiondir 'scoop' 'current')
# download scoop zip
$zipurl = 'https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop/archive/master.zip'
$zipfile = "$dir\scoop.zip"
Write-Output 'Downloading scoop...'
dl $zipurl $zipfile
Write-Output 'Extracting...'
Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, "$dir\_tmp")
Copy-Item "$dir\_tmp\*master\*" $dir -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item "$dir\_tmp", $zipfile -Recurse -Force
Write-Output 'Creating shim...'
shim "$dir\bin\scoop.ps1" $false
# download main bucket
$dir = "$scoopdir\buckets\main"
$zipurl = 'https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/archive/master.zip'
$zipfile = "$dir\main-bucket.zip"
Write-Output 'Downloading main bucket...'
New-Item $dir -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
dl $zipurl $zipfile
Write-Output 'Extracting...'
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, "$dir\_tmp")
Copy-Item "$dir\_tmp\*-master\*" $dir -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item "$dir\_tmp", $zipfile -Recurse -Force
scoop config lastupdate ([System.DateTime]::Now.ToString('o'))
success 'Scoop was installed successfully!'
Write-Output "Type 'scoop help' for instructions."
$erroractionpreference = $old_erroractionpreference # Reset $erroractionpreference to original value

※PowerShell バージョンチェックなどを行っている。
Scoop を実行するには、PowerShell 5 以降が必要です。
PowerShell アップグレード: https://learn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-windows

バケット [bucket]

Bucket (バケット) とはアプリのコレクション(ダウンロード元)のことで、具体的にはアプリのインストール方法を記述する JSON アプリマニフェストを含む Git リポジトリである。インストール直後は main バケットのみが利用できる。

$ scoop bucket list

バケットの追加 [bucket add]

バケットを追加するためには、Git が必要である。

$ scoop install git

Git がインストールされていないと、Git is required for buckets. が発生する。

Git is required for buckets. Run 'scoop install git' and try again.

ダウンロード元として extras バケットを追加する。

$ scoop bucket add extras
Checking repo... ok
The extras bucket was added successfully.
$ scoop bucket list


$ scoop bucket known
バケット 説明
main 最も一般的な(主にCLI)アプリケーションのデフォルトバケット
extras メインバケットの条件に適合しないアプリ
versions 他のバケットにあるアプリの代替バージョン
nightlies ナイトリービルド専用のバケット
nirsoft 250Nirsoft アプリのサブセット
php ほとんどのバージョンの PHP のインストーラ
nerd-fonts ナード フォント
nonportable 非ポータブルアプリケーション(UACが必要な場合があります)
java Oracle Java、OpenJDK、Zulu、ojdkbuild、AdoptOpenJDK、Amazon Corretto、BellSoft Liberica および SapMachine のインストーラ
games オープンソース/フリーウェアゲームおよびゲーム関連ツール
jetbrains すべての JetBrains ユーティリティおよび IDE のインストーラー


lukesampson/scoop: A command-line installer for Windows. - Known application buckets
Scoop で利用できる Bucket の解説(`scoop bucket known` 限定) - Qiita

人気のサードパーティ バケット

tapannallan / awesome-scoop:Windows用scoopパッケージマネージャー用のすばらしいリソースのコレクション

chawyehsu/dorado: 🐟 Yet Another bucket for lovely Scoop
最新の PowerShell Core などが入手できる人気のバケット。

$ scoop bucket add dorado https://github.com/chawyehsu/dorado

PowerShell Core のインストール。

$ scoop install powershell


$ scoop install powershell-preview


Search Apps | Scoop
Search Apps | Scoop

scoop のバケットに存在しないアプリは Chocolatey - The package manager for Windows を探してみる🤤
Chocolatey Software | Packages


Buckets · lukesampson/scoop Wiki

search コマンドはバケットを追加していなくても、他のバケット内まで検索対象とするので便利である。

$ scoop bucket list
$ scoop search LxRunOffline
Results from other known buckets...
(add them using 'scoop bucket add <name>')
'extras' bucket:


Search Apps | Scoop

アプリのインストール/アンインストール [install/uninstall]

アプリはスタートメニュー (Scoop Apps) に登録される。

%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps


$ scoop install sysinternals
Installing 'sysinternals' (December.18.2019) [64bit]
SysinternalsSuite.zip (29.0 MB) [=============================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of SysinternalsSuite.zip ... ok.
Extracting SysinternalsSuite.zip ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\sysinternals\current => ~\scoop\apps\sysinternals\December.18.2019
Creating shim for 'accesschk'.
Creating shim for 'accesschk64'.
Creating shim for 'AccessEnum'.
Creating shim for 'ADExplorer'.
Creating shim for 'ADInsight'.
Creating shim for 'adrestore'.
Creating shim for 'Autologon'.
Creating shim for 'Autoruns'.
Creating shim for 'Autoruns64'.
Creating shim for 'autorunsc'.
Creating shim for 'autorunsc64'.
Creating shim for 'Bginfo'.
Creating shim for 'Bginfo64'.
Creating shim for 'Cacheset'.
Creating shim for 'Clockres'.
Creating shim for 'Clockres64'.
Creating shim for 'Contig'.
Creating shim for 'Contig64'.
Creating shim for 'Coreinfo'.
Creating shim for 'ctrl2cap'.
Creating shim for 'Dbgview'.
Creating shim for 'Desktops'.
Creating shim for 'disk2vhd'.
Creating shim for 'diskext'.
Creating shim for 'diskext64'.
Creating shim for 'Diskmon'.
Creating shim for 'DiskView'.
Creating shim for 'du'.
Creating shim for 'du64'.
Creating shim for 'efsdump'.
Creating shim for 'FindLinks'.
Creating shim for 'FindLinks64'.
Creating shim for 'handle'.
Creating shim for 'handle64'.
Creating shim for 'hex2dec'.
Creating shim for 'hex2dec64'.
Creating shim for 'junction'.
Creating shim for 'junction64'.
Creating shim for 'ldmdump'.
Creating shim for 'Listdlls'.
Creating shim for 'Listdlls64'.
Creating shim for 'livekd'.
Creating shim for 'livekd64'.
Creating shim for 'LoadOrd'.
Creating shim for 'LoadOrd64'.
Creating shim for 'LoadOrdC'.
Creating shim for 'LoadOrdC64'.
Creating shim for 'logonsessions'.
Creating shim for 'logonsessions64'.
Creating shim for 'movefile'.
Creating shim for 'movefile64'.
Creating shim for 'notmyfault'.
Creating shim for 'notmyfault64'.
Creating shim for 'notmyfaultc'.
Creating shim for 'notmyfaultc64'.
Creating shim for 'ntfsinfo'.
Creating shim for 'ntfsinfo64'.
Creating shim for 'pagedfrg'.
Creating shim for 'pendmoves'.
Creating shim for 'pendmoves64'.
Creating shim for 'pipelist'.
Creating shim for 'pipelist64'.
Creating shim for 'portmon'.
Creating shim for 'procdump'.
Creating shim for 'procdump64'.
Creating shim for 'procexp'.
Creating shim for 'procexp64'.
Creating shim for 'Procmon'.
Creating shim for 'PsExec'.
Creating shim for 'PsExec64'.
Creating shim for 'psfile'.
Creating shim for 'psfile64'.
Creating shim for 'PsGetsid'.
Creating shim for 'PsGetsid64'.
Creating shim for 'PsInfo'.
Creating shim for 'PsInfo64'.
Creating shim for 'pskill'.
Creating shim for 'pskill64'.
Creating shim for 'pslist'.
Creating shim for 'pslist64'.
Creating shim for 'PsLoggedon'.
Creating shim for 'PsLoggedon64'.
Creating shim for 'psloglist'.
Creating shim for 'pspasswd'.
Creating shim for 'pspasswd64'.
Creating shim for 'psping'.
Creating shim for 'psping64'.
Creating shim for 'PsService'.
Creating shim for 'PsService64'.
Creating shim for 'psshutdown'.
Creating shim for 'pssuspend'.
Creating shim for 'pssuspend64'.
Creating shim for 'RAMMap'.
Creating shim for 'RegDelNull'.
Creating shim for 'RegDelNull64'.
Creating shim for 'regjump'.
Creating shim for 'ru'.
Creating shim for 'ru64'.
Creating shim for 'sdelete'.
Creating shim for 'sdelete64'.
Creating shim for 'ShareEnum'.
Creating shim for 'ShellRunas'.
Creating shim for 'sigcheck'.
Creating shim for 'sigcheck64'.
Creating shim for 'streams'.
Creating shim for 'streams64'.
Creating shim for 'strings'.
Creating shim for 'strings64'.
Creating shim for 'sync'.
Creating shim for 'sync64'.
Creating shim for 'Sysmon'.
Creating shim for 'Sysmon64'.
Creating shim for 'Tcpvcon'.
Creating shim for 'Tcpview'.
Creating shim for 'Testlimit'.
Creating shim for 'Testlimit64'.
Creating shim for 'vmmap'.
Creating shim for 'Volumeid'.
Creating shim for 'Volumeid64'.
Creating shim for 'whois'.
Creating shim for 'whois64'.
Creating shim for 'Winobj'.
Creating shim for 'ZoomIt'.
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/AccessEnum - View accesses to directories, files and registry keys (AccessEnum.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/AdExplorer - Active Directory viewer and editor (AdExplorer.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/AdInsight - An LDAP real-time monitoring tool (AdInsight.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Autologon - Bypass password screen during logon (Autologon.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Autoruns - View startup programs and processes (autoruns64.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/BGInfo - Wallpaper text configurator (Bginfo64.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/CacheSet - Control the Cache Manager's working set size (CACHESET.EXE)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/DebugView - View OutputDebugString and DbgPrint output (Dbgview.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Desktops - Create up to four virtual desktops (Desktops.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Disk2vhd - Create VHD files from online disk (Disk2vhd.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/DiskMon - Disk activity monitor (Diskmon.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/DiskView - Graphical disk sector utility (DiskView.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/LoadOrder - See the order in which devices are loaded (LOADORD.EXE)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/NotMyFault - Crash, hang, and cause kernel memory leaks (NotMyFault64.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/PageDefrag - Defragment paging files and registry hives (pagedfrg.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/PortMon - Serial and parallel port activity monitor (PORTMON.EXE)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/ProcessExplorer - Enhanced Task Manager (procexp64.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/ProcessMonitor - Monitor file system, registry, process, thread and DLL activity (ProcMon.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/RAMMap - Graphical display of memory usage (RAMMap.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/ShareEnum - View network shares (ShareEnum.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/TcpView - List TCP UDP endpoints (Tcpview.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/VMMap - View Virtual and Physical Memory (vmmap.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Winobj - Object Manager namespace viewer (Winobj.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/ZoomIt - Screen magnifier for zooming and drawing on the screen (ZoomIt.exe)
'sysinternals' (December.18.2019) was installed successfully!


$ scoop uninstall sysinternals
Uninstalling 'sysinternals' (December.18.2019).
Removing shim for 'accesschk'.
Removing shim for 'accesschk64'.
Removing shim for 'AccessEnum'.
Removing shim for 'ADExplorer'.
Removing shim for 'ADInsight'.
Removing shim for 'adrestore'.
Removing shim for 'Autologon'.
Removing shim for 'Autoruns'.
Removing shim for 'Autoruns64'.
Removing shim for 'autorunsc'.
Removing shim for 'autorunsc64'.
Removing shim for 'Bginfo'.
Removing shim for 'Bginfo64'.
Removing shim for 'Cacheset'.
Removing shim for 'Clockres'.
Removing shim for 'Clockres64'.
Removing shim for 'Contig'.
Removing shim for 'Contig64'.
Removing shim for 'Coreinfo'.
Removing shim for 'ctrl2cap'.
Removing shim for 'Dbgview'.
Removing shim for 'Desktops'.
Removing shim for 'disk2vhd'.
Removing shim for 'diskext'.
Removing shim for 'diskext64'.
Removing shim for 'Diskmon'.
Removing shim for 'DiskView'.
Removing shim for 'du'.
Removing shim for 'du64'.
Removing shim for 'efsdump'.
Removing shim for 'FindLinks'.
Removing shim for 'FindLinks64'.
Removing shim for 'handle'.
Removing shim for 'handle64'.
Removing shim for 'hex2dec'.
Removing shim for 'hex2dec64'.
Removing shim for 'junction'.
Removing shim for 'junction64'.
Removing shim for 'ldmdump'.
Removing shim for 'Listdlls'.
Removing shim for 'Listdlls64'.
Removing shim for 'livekd'.
Removing shim for 'livekd64'.
Removing shim for 'LoadOrd'.
Removing shim for 'LoadOrd64'.
Removing shim for 'LoadOrdC'.
Removing shim for 'LoadOrdC64'.
Removing shim for 'logonsessions'.
Removing shim for 'logonsessions64'.
Removing shim for 'movefile'.
Removing shim for 'movefile64'.
Removing shim for 'notmyfault'.
Removing shim for 'notmyfault64'.
Removing shim for 'notmyfaultc'.
Removing shim for 'notmyfaultc64'.
Removing shim for 'ntfsinfo'.
Removing shim for 'ntfsinfo64'.
Removing shim for 'pagedfrg'.
Removing shim for 'pendmoves'.
Removing shim for 'pendmoves64'.
Removing shim for 'pipelist'.
Removing shim for 'pipelist64'.
Removing shim for 'portmon'.
Removing shim for 'procdump'.
Removing shim for 'procdump64'.
Removing shim for 'procexp'.
Removing shim for 'procexp64'.
Removing shim for 'Procmon'.
Removing shim for 'PsExec'.
Removing shim for 'PsExec64'.
Removing shim for 'psfile'.
Removing shim for 'psfile64'.
Removing shim for 'PsGetsid'.
Removing shim for 'PsGetsid64'.
Removing shim for 'PsInfo'.
Removing shim for 'PsInfo64'.
Removing shim for 'pskill'.
Removing shim for 'pskill64'.
Removing shim for 'pslist'.
Removing shim for 'pslist64'.
Removing shim for 'PsLoggedon'.
Removing shim for 'PsLoggedon64'.
Removing shim for 'psloglist'.
Removing shim for 'pspasswd'.
Removing shim for 'pspasswd64'.
Removing shim for 'psping'.
Removing shim for 'psping64'.
Removing shim for 'PsService'.
Removing shim for 'PsService64'.
Removing shim for 'psshutdown'.
Removing shim for 'pssuspend'.
Removing shim for 'pssuspend64'.
Removing shim for 'RAMMap'.
Removing shim for 'RegDelNull'.
Removing shim for 'RegDelNull64'.
Removing shim for 'regjump'.
Removing shim for 'ru'.
Removing shim for 'ru64'.
Removing shim for 'sdelete'.
Removing shim for 'sdelete64'.
Removing shim for 'ShareEnum'.
Removing shim for 'ShellRunas'.
Removing shim for 'sigcheck'.
Removing shim for 'sigcheck64'.
Removing shim for 'streams'.
Removing shim for 'streams64'.
Removing shim for 'strings'.
Removing shim for 'strings64'.
Removing shim for 'sync'.
Removing shim for 'sync64'.
Removing shim for 'Sysmon'.
Removing shim for 'Sysmon64'.
Removing shim for 'Tcpvcon'.
Removing shim for 'Tcpview'.
Removing shim for 'Testlimit'.
Removing shim for 'Testlimit64'.
Removing shim for 'vmmap'.
Removing shim for 'Volumeid'.
Removing shim for 'Volumeid64'.
Removing shim for 'whois'.
Removing shim for 'whois64'.
Removing shim for 'Winobj'.
Removing shim for 'ZoomIt'.
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/AccessEnum - View accesses to directories, files and registry keys.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/AdExplorer - Active Directory viewer and editor.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/AdInsight - An LDAP real-time monitoring tool.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/Autologon - Bypass password screen during logon.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/Autoruns - View startup programs and processes.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/BGInfo - Wallpaper text configurator.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/CacheSet - Control the Cache Manager's working set size.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/DebugView - View OutputDebugString and DbgPrint output.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/Desktops - Create up to four virtual desktops.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/Disk2vhd - Create VHD files from online disk.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/DiskMon - Disk activity monitor.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/DiskView - Graphical disk sector utility.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/LoadOrder - See the order in which devices are loaded.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/NotMyFault - Crash, hang, and cause kernel memory leaks.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/PageDefrag - Defragment paging files and registry hives.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/PortMon - Serial and parallel port activity monitor.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/ProcessExplorer - Enhanced Task Manager.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/ProcessMonitor - Monitor file system, registry, process, thread and DLL activity.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/RAMMap - Graphical display of memory usage.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/ShareEnum - View network shares.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/TcpView - List TCP UDP endpoints.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/VMMap - View Virtual and Physical Memory.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/Winobj - Object Manager namespace viewer.lnk
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\SysInternals/ZoomIt - Screen magnifier for zooming and drawing on the screen.lnk
Unlinking ~\scoop\apps\sysinternals\current
'sysinternals' was uninstalled.

グローバルインストール [-g, --global] オプション

デフォルトでは C:\ProgramData\scoop にインストールされる。
パスに PATH=C:\ProgramData\scoop\shims; が追加される。

$ scoop install --global git
Installing '7zip' (19.00) [64bit]
7z1900-x64.msi (1.7 MB) [=====================================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of 7z1900-x64.msi ... ok.
Extracting 7z1900-x64.msi ... done.
Linking C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\7zip\current => C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\7zip\19.00
Creating shim for '7z'.
Creating shortcut for 7-Zip (7zFM.exe)
Adding C:\ProgramData\scoop\shims to global path.
'7zip' (19.00) was installed successfully!
Installing 'git' (2.26.2.windows.1) [64bit]
PortableGit-2.26.2-64-bit.7z.exe (41.1 MB) [==================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of PortableGit-2.26.2-64-bit.7z.exe ... ok.
Extracting dl.7z ... done.
Linking C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\git\current => C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\git\2.26.2.windows.1
Creating shim for 'git'.
Creating shim for 'gitk'.
Creating shim for 'git-gui'.
Creating shim for 'tig'.
Creating shim for 'git-bash'.
Creating shortcut for Git Bash (git-bash.exe)
Creating shortcut for Git GUI (git-gui.exe)
Running post-install script...
'git' (2.26.2.windows.1) was installed successfully!
$ scoop list
Installed apps:
  7zip 19.00 *global*
  git 2.26.2.windows.1 *global*

sudo コマンドをグローバルインストール

$ scoop install sudo --global
Updating Scoop...
Updating 'main' bucket...
Checking repo... ok
The main bucket was added successfully.
Scoop was updated successfully!
Installing 'sudo' (0.2020.01.26) [64bit]
sudo.ps1 (2.2 KB) [===========================================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of sudo.ps1 ... ok.
Linking C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\sudo\current => C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\sudo\0.2020.01.26
Creating shim for 'sudo'.
'sudo' (0.2020.01.26) was installed successfully!
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> scoop list
Installed apps:
  7zip 19.00 *global*
  git 2.26.2.windows.1 *global*
  sudo 0.2020.01.26 *global*

グローバルインストールされた Scoop アプリ

$ scoop list
Installed apps:
  7zip 19.00 *global*
  git 2.26.2.windows.1 *global*
  sudo 0.2020.01.26 *global*


$ scoop install --global git


ERROR: you need admin rights to install global apps


$ sudo scoop install --global git

install コマンドのオプション

$ scoop help install
Usage: scoop install <app> [options]

e.g. The usual way to install an app (uses your local 'buckets'):
     scoop install git

To install an app from a manifest at a URL:
     scoop install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/master/bucket/runat.json

To install an app from a manifest on your computer
     scoop install \path\to\app.json

  -g, --global              Install the app globally
  -i, --independent         Don't install dependencies automatically
  -k, --no-cache            Don't use the download cache
  -s, --skip                Skip hash validation (use with caution!)
  -a, --arch <32bit|64bit>  Use the specified architecture, if the app supports it

Scoop 全体の状態を表示 [status]

$ scoop status
Scoop is up to date.
Updates are available for:
    rufus: 3.9 -> 3.10
Everything is ok!

Scoop アプリの更新 [update]

$ scoop update
$ scoop update *

scoop update - scoop 自体を更新する。
scoop update * - scoop アプリを更新する。

グローバルアップデート [-g, --global] オプション

$ scoop update --global *


$ scoop update --global *


ERROR: You need admin rights to update global apps.


$ sudo scoop update --global *
powershell: 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2 (global)
Updating one outdated app:
Updating 'powershell' (7.0.1 -> 7.0.2)
Downloading new version
Loading PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip from cache
Checking hash of PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip ... ok.
ERROR Application is still running. Close all instances and try again.
エラー アプリケーションはまだ実行中です。すべてのインスタンスを閉じて、再試行してください。


$ sudo scoop update --global *
powershell: 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2 (global)
Updating one outdated app:
Updating 'powershell' (7.0.1 -> 7.0.2)
Downloading new version
Loading PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip from cache
Checking hash of PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip ... ok.
ERROR Application is still running. Close all instances and try again.
エラー アプリケーションはまだ実行中です。すべてのインスタンスを閉じて、再試行してください。

PowerShell v7.0 を更新する場合は PowerShell v5.1 を起動して更新する。
PowerShell v7.0 を起動中で PowerShell v7.0 自体を更新することは出来ない。

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
新機能と改善のために最新の PowerShell をインストールしてください!https://aka.ms/PSWindows
PS C:\Users\tomoyan> Get-Host
Name             : ConsoleHost
Version          : 5.1.19640.1
InstanceId       : b8864560-b28c-404c-b4b5-d8182e7623bb
UI               : System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface
CurrentCulture   : ja-JP
CurrentUICulture : ja-JP
PrivateData      : Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost+ConsoleColorProxy
DebuggerEnabled  : True
IsRunspacePushed : False
Runspace         : System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace
PS C:\Users\tomoyan> sudo scoop update --global *
powershell: 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2 (global)
Updating one outdated app:
Updating 'powershell' (7.0.1 -> 7.0.2)
Downloading new version
Loading PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip from cache
Checking hash of PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip ... ok.
Uninstalling 'powershell' (7.0.1)
Removing shim for 'pwsh'.
Unlinking C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\powershell\current
Installing 'powershell' (7.0.2) [64bit]
Loading PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip from cache
Extracting PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip ... done.
Linking C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\powershell\current => C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\powershell\7.0.2
Creating shim for 'pwsh'.
Creating shortcut for PowerShell (pwsh.exe)
'powershell' (7.0.2) was installed successfully!
PS C:\Users\tomoyan>

インストール済みアプリの一覧 [list]

$ scoop list

Installed apps:
  7zip 19.00
  aria2 1.35.0-1
  audacity 2.3.3 [extras]
  dark 3.11.2
  everything [extras]
  ffmpeg 4.2.2
  freac 1.1.1 [extras]
  git 2.26.2.windows.1
  gow 0.8.0
  handbrake 1.3.1 [extras]
  lessmsi 1.6.91
  lxrunoffline 3.4.1 [extras]
  mongodb 4.2.6
  ntop 0.3.4
  openssh 8.2p1-1
  powershell 7.0.0 [dorado]
  pshazz 0.2020.04.16
  python 3.8.2
  python27 2.7.18 [versions]
  rufus 3.10 [extras]
  scoop-viewer v0.8.1 [scoop-viewer-bucket]
  sudo 0.2020.01.26
  sysinternals December.18.2019 [extras]
  vim 8.2
  youtube-dl-gui 0.4 [extras]

アプリに関する情報を表示する [info]

$ scoop info sysinternals
Name: sysinternals
Description: A set of utilities to manage, diagnose, troubleshoot, and monitor a Windows environment.
Version: December.18.2019
Website: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/
License: Freeware (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/license-terms)
Installed: No

ダウンロード キャッシュを表示/領域解放 [cache]

$ scoop cache show
    1.7 MB 7zip (19.00)                                            https_7-zip.org_a_7z1900-x64.msi
    2.1 MB aria2 (1.35.0-1)                  …load_release-1.35.0_aria2-1.35.0-win-64bit-build1.zip
   13.4 MB audacity (2.3.3)                       https_fossies.org_windows_misc_Audacity-2.3.3.zip
   11.1 MB audacity (2.4.1)                       https_fossies.org_windows_misc_audacity-2.4.1.zip
   11.2 MB audacity (2.4.2)                       https_fossies.org_windows_misc_audacity-2.4.2.zip
    5.0 MB chromedriver (85.0.4183.87)       …ge.googleapis.com_85.0.4183.87_chromedriver_win32.zip
    7.8 MB concfg (0.2020.03.15)             …_archive_2976a9ffc435a8ba8f2ba47e95cd631f2a73221d.zip
    3.5 MB dark (3.11.2)                     …com_ScoopInstaller_Binary_master_dark_dark-3.11.2.zip
    1.5 MB everything (              https_www.voidtools.com_Everything-
    1.5 MB everything (              https_www.voidtools.com_Everything-
    1.5 MB everything (              https_www.voidtools.com_Everything-
   66.1 MB ffmpeg (4.2.2)                    …com_builds_win64_static_ffmpeg-4.2.2-win64-static.zip
   66.8 MB ffmpeg (4.2.3)                    …com_builds_win64_static_ffmpeg-4.2.3-win64-static.zip
   70.6 MB ffmpeg (4.3)                      …e.com_builds_win64_static_ffmpeg-4.3-win64-static.zip
   75.8 MB ffmpeg (4.3.1)                    …com_builds_win64_static_ffmpeg-4.3.1-win64-static.zip
   68.3 MB ffmpeg-nightly (20200403-52523b6) …win64_static_ffmpeg-20200403-52523b6-win64-static.zip
   51.7 MB firefox (78.0.2)                  …78.0.2_win64_en-US_Firefox_20Setup_2078.0.2.exe_dl.7z
   52.0 MB firefox (79.0)                    …ses_79.0_win64_en-US_Firefox_20Setup_2079.0.exe_dl.7z
    6.3 MB freac (1.0.33)                    …_freac_releases_download_v1.0.33_freac-1.0.33-bin.zip
   15.3 MB freac (1.1)                       …reac_releases_download_v1.1_freac-1.1-windows-x64.zip
   15.3 MB freac (1.1.1)                     …_releases_download_v1.1.1_freac-1.1.1-windows-x64.zip
   15.4 MB freac (1.1.2)                     …releases_download_v1.1.2_freac-1.1.2a-windows-x64.zip
   41.1 MB git (2.26.0.windows.1)            …26.0.windows.1_PortableGit-2.26.0-64-bit.7z.exe_dl.7z
   41.1 MB git (2.26.2.windows.1)            …26.2.windows.1_PortableGit-2.26.2-64-bit.7z.exe_dl.7z
   41.8 MB git (2.27.0.windows.1)            …27.0.windows.1_PortableGit-2.27.0-64-bit.7z.exe_dl.7z
   44.7 MB git (2.28.0.windows.1)            …28.0.windows.1_PortableGit-2.28.0-64-bit.7z.exe_dl.7z
    8.7 MB gow (0.8.0)                       …elle_gow_releases_download_v0.8.0_Gow-0.8.0.exe_dl.7z
   12.9 MB handbrake (1.3.1)                 …leases_1.3.1_HandBrake-1.3.1-x86_64-Win_GUI.exe_dl.7z
   17.7 MB handbrake (1.3.2)                 …ses_download_1.3.2_HandBrake-1.3.2-x86_64-Win_GUI.zip
   17.3 MB handbrake (1.3.3)                 …ses_download_1.3.3_HandBrake-1.3.3-x86_64-Win_GUI.zip
  137.6 KB innounp (0.49)                    …m_ScoopInstaller_Binary_master_innounp_innounp049.rar
    1.2 GB kicad (5.1.6_1)                   …cern.ch_windows_stable_kicad-5.1.6_1-x86_64.exe_dl.7z
  495.0 KB lessmsi (1.6.91)                  …lessmsi_releases_download_v1.6.91_lessmsi-v1.6.91.zip
    2.3 MB lxrunoffline (3.4.1)              …releases_download_v3.4.1_LxRunOffline-v3.4.1-msvc.zip
    2.5 MB lxrunoffline (3.5.0)              …releases_download_v3.5.0_LxRunOffline-v3.5.0-msvc.zip
  259.2 MB mongodb (4.2.3)                   …_win32_mongodb-win32-x86_64-2012plus-4.2.3-signed.msi
  263.2 MB mongodb (4.2.5)                   …_win32_mongodb-win32-x86_64-2012plus-4.2.5-signed.msi
  264.4 MB mongodb (4.2.6)                   …_win32_mongodb-win32-x86_64-2012plus-4.2.6-signed.msi
  264.2 MB mongodb (4.2.7)                   …_win32_mongodb-win32-x86_64-2012plus-4.2.7-signed.msi
     265 B mongodb.txt ()
   25.7 MB nmap (7.80)                                      https_nmap.org_dist_nmap-7.80-setup.exe
  135.5 KB ntop (0.3.4)                      …ub.com_Nuke928_NTop_releases_download_v0.3.4_ntop.exe
   85.5 MB nuget-package-explorer (5.7.113)  …ges.chocolatey.org_NugetPackageExplorer.5.7.113.nupkg
    2.3 MB nvm (1.1.7)                       …nvm-windows_releases_download_1.1.7_nvm-noinstall.zip
  491.5 KB openhardwaremonitor (0.9.5)       …dwaremonitor.org_files_openhardwaremonitor-v0.9.5.zip
    1.9 MB openssh (7.6p1)                   …sys2.org_msys_x86_64_bash-4.4.012-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  821.9 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …s2.org_msys_x86_64_gcc-libs-6.4.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  546.6 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …ys2.org_msys_x86_64_heimdal-1.5.3-9-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  592.7 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …rg_msys_x86_64_heimdal-libs-1.5.3-9-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    7.3 MB openssh (7.6p1)                   …po.msys2.org_msys_x86_64_icu-59.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
   32.1 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …sys2.org_msys_x86_64_libcrypt-2.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  656.4 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …sys2.org_msys_x86_64_libdb-5.3.28-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
   96.9 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …rg_msys_x86_64_libedit-3.1-20170329-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
1,022.5 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …rg_msys_x86_64_libopenssl-1.0.2.m-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  266.8 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …g_msys_x86_64_libreadline-7.0.003-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  564.3 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …rg_msys_x86_64_libsqlite-
    2.4 MB openssh (7.6p1)                   …g_msys_x86_64_msys2-runtime-2.9.0-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    1.1 MB openssh (7.6p1)                   …_msys_x86_64_ncurses-6.0.20170708-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  679.9 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …ys2.org_msys_x86_64_openssh-7.6p1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
   55.1 KB openssh (7.6p1)                   …msys2.org_msys_x86_64_zlib-1.2.11-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    1.9 MB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …sys2.org_msys_x86_64_bash-4.4.023-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    1.2 MB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …s2.org_msys_x86_64_gcc-libs-9.3.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  430.4 KB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …ys2.org_msys_x86_64_heimdal-7.7.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  742.4 KB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …rg_msys_x86_64_heimdal-libs-7.7.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
   35.3 KB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …sys2.org_msys_x86_64_libcrypt-2.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  656.4 KB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …sys2.org_msys_x86_64_libdb-5.3.28-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  104.2 KB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …_msys_x86_64_libedit-20191231_3.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    1.1 MB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …rg_msys_x86_64_libopenssl-1.1.1.e-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  463.0 KB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 ….org_msys_x86_64_libsqlite-3.30.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    2.6 MB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …g_msys_x86_64_msys2-runtime-3.0.7-6-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    1.3 MB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …msys2.org_msys_x86_64_ncurses-6.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  710.6 KB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …ys2.org_msys_x86_64_openssh-8.2p1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    2.7 MB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …2.org_msys_x86_64_openssl-1.1.1.e-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
   55.1 KB openssh (8.2p1-1)                 …msys2.org_msys_x86_64_zlib-1.2.11-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
   55.3 MB powershell (6.2.4)                …releases_download_v6.2.4_PowerShell-6.2.4-win-x64.zip
   88.7 MB powershell (7.0.0)                …releases_download_v7.0.0_PowerShell-7.0.0-win-x64.zip
   88.7 MB powershell (7.0.1)                …releases_download_v7.0.1_PowerShell-7.0.1-win-x64.zip
   88.9 MB powershell (7.0.2)                …releases_download_v7.0.2_PowerShell-7.0.2-win-x64.zip
   88.9 MB powershell (7.0.3)                …releases_download_v7.0.3_PowerShell-7.0.3-win-x64.zip
   88.8 MB powershell-preview (7.0.0-rc.3)   …ownload_v7.0.0-rc.3_PowerShell-7.0.0-rc.3-win-x64.zip
   53.2 KB pshazz (0.2019.08.07)             …_archive_30609306103dd2988353e44596c6093c688b0ea5.zip
   53.3 KB pshazz (0.2020.04.16)             …_archive_ddfe6f392c540b5bc7c319270bcf94ae1707b9b3.zip
   53.4 KB pshazz (0.2020.05.16)             …_archive_cb43061ae82f0f71cb540f360f3a810632ba77da.zip
   53.5 KB pshazz (0.2020.05.23)             …_archive_e39443e96a744dd62e3054079b25b46297f2eaee.zip
     555 B python (3.8.2)                    …taller_Main_master_scripts_python_install-pep-514.reg
      86 B python (3.8.2)                    …ller_Main_master_scripts_python_uninstall-pep-514.reg
   26.3 MB python (3.8.2)                    …ww.python.org_ftp_python_3.8.2_python-3.8.2-amd64.exe
     555 B python (3.8.3)                    …taller_Main_master_scripts_python_install-pep-514.reg
      86 B python (3.8.3)                    …ller_Main_master_scripts_python_uninstall-pep-514.reg
   26.5 MB python (3.8.3)                    …org_ftp_python_3.8.3_python-3.8.3-amd64.exe_setup.exe
     555 B python (3.8.4)                    …taller_Main_master_scripts_python_install-pep-514.reg
      86 B python (3.8.4)                    …ller_Main_master_scripts_python_uninstall-pep-514.reg
   26.6 MB python (3.8.4)                    …org_ftp_python_3.8.4_python-3.8.4-amd64.exe_setup.exe
     555 B python (3.8.5)                    …taller_Main_master_scripts_python_install-pep-514.reg
      86 B python (3.8.5)                    …ller_Main_master_scripts_python_uninstall-pep-514.reg
   26.6 MB python (3.8.5)                    …org_ftp_python_3.8.5_python-3.8.5-amd64.exe_setup.exe
   19.6 MB python27 (2.7.17)                 ….python.org_ftp_python_2.7.17_python-2.7.17.amd64.msi
   19.6 MB python27 (2.7.18)                 ….python.org_ftp_python_2.7.18_python-2.7.18.amd64.msi
  140.1 MB qemu (5.1.0-rc3)                  …emu.weilnetz.de_w64_qemu-w64-setup-20200805.exe_dl.7z
    1.1 MB rufus (3.10)                      …fus_releases_download_v3.10_rufus-3.10p.exe_rufus.exe
    1.1 MB rufus (3.11)                      …fus_releases_download_v3.11_rufus-3.11p.exe_rufus.exe
    1.1 MB rufus (3.9)                       …rufus_releases_download_v3.9_rufus-3.9p.exe_rufus.exe
   18.2 MB scoop-viewer (v0.8.1)             …coop-viewer_releases_download_v0.8.1_scoop-viewer.zip
    1.2 MB smartmontools (7.1-1)             …smartmontools_7.1_smartmontools-7.1-1.win32-setup.exe
    2.2 KB sudo (0.2020.01.26)               …ils_c7116ac143ca81f223e6091d0974f45ac241eb1d_sudo.ps1
   29.4 MB sysinternals (2020.April.28)      …download.sysinternals.com_files_SysinternalsSuite.zip
   29.7 MB sysinternals (2020.June.24)       …download.sysinternals.com_files_SysinternalsSuite.zip
   29.0 MB sysinternals (December.18.2019)   …download.sysinternals.com_files_SysinternalsSuite.zip
  557.4 KB tftpd (4.64)                      …bucket.org_phjounin_tftpd64_downloads_tftpd64.464.zip
    8.8 MB vim (8.2)                                 https_ftp.nluug.nl_pub_vim_pc_gvim82.exe_dl.7z
     219 B vim (8.2)                         …Installer_Main_master_scripts_vim_install-context.reg
     168 B vim (8.2)                         …staller_Main_master_scripts_vim_uninstall-context.reg
   35.3 MB vlc (3.0.10)                      …videolan.org_pub_vlc_3.0.10_win64_vlc-3.0.10-win64.7z
   34.7 MB vlc (3.0.11)                      …videolan.org_pub_vlc_3.0.11_win64_vlc-3.0.11-win64.7z
   34.9 MB wireshark (3.2.4)                 …32_all-versions_WiresharkPortable_3.2.4.paf.exe_dl.7z
   35.0 MB wireshark (3.2.5)                 …32_all-versions_WiresharkPortable_3.2.5.paf.exe_dl.7z
   35.0 MB wireshark (3.2.6)                 …32_all-versions_WiresharkPortable_3.2.6.paf.exe_dl.7z
    2.5 MB xming (                  …g-mesa_6.9.0.31_Xming-mesa-6-9-0-31-setup.exe_r_scoop
    1.4 MB xz (5.2.5)                                     https_tukaani.org_xz_xz-5.2.5-windows.zip
    1.6 MB yarn (1.22.4)                         https_yarnpkg.com_downloads_1.22.4_yarn-1.22.4.msi
   36.0 MB youtube-dl-gui (0.4)              …ases_download_0.4_youtube-dl-gui-0.4-win-portable.zip

Total: 121 files, 4.2 GB

ダウンロード キャッシュをクリアして領域解放する場合は rm [app] オプションに '*'(すべて) を指定する。

$ scoop cache rm *
$ scoop cache show
Total: 0 files, 0 B

scoop 内部設定情報の取得設定 [config]

$ cat ~\.config\scoop\config.json
  "lastupdate": "2021-10-06T06:03:44.3340404+09:00",
  "SCOOP_REPO": "https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop",
  "SCOOP_BRANCH": "master",
  "alias": {},
  "aria2-enabled": false,


$ scoop config "7ZIPEXTRACT_USE_EXTERNAL" $true
'7ZIPEXTRACT_USE_EXTERNAL' has been set to 'True'

config - 全Scoopコマンド解説 その3 ~使用頻度(低)~ - Qiita

コマンドエイリアス [alias]

$ scoop alias add reinstall 'scoop uninstall $args[0]; scoop install $args[0]' 'Uninstall and then install app'
$ scoop alias list -v

Name      Command                                          Summary
----      -------                                          -------
reinstall scoop uninstall $args[0]; scoop install $args[0] Uninstall and then install app

$ scoop reinstall sccache
Uninstalling 'sccache' (0.2.14).
'sccache' was uninstalled.
Installing 'sccache' (0.2.14) [64bit]
Loading sccache-0.2.14-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.gz from cache
Checking hash of sccache-0.2.14-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.gz ... ok.
Extracting sccache-0.2.14-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.gz ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\sccache\current => ~\scoop\apps\sccache\0.2.14
Creating shim for 'sccache'.
'sccache' (0.2.14) was installed successfully!

Scoop アプリのインストール

Gow (Gnu On Windows) - Linux コマンド群 (Cygwin 軽量版)
sudo - 管理者実行コマンド
HandBrake - オープンソースビデオトランスコーダー
Windows Sysinternals - 無償の Windows 向けツール
Windows Terminal
fre:ac - フリーのオープンソース オーディオ コンバータ
Everything - 高速ファイル検索
Youtube-DLG - YouTube や他の動画サイトから動画をダウンロード
Rufus - Live USB 作成ツール
Audacity - オープンソースのクロスプラットフォームオーディオソフトウェア
Vim - 高機能テキストエディタ (Windows)
ffmpeg - オーディオ/ビデオ 記録・変換・再生 コマンド
Pshazz - Powershell プロファイルの拡張
Yarn - パッケージ マネージャ

scoop gui

Scoop Viewer Logo
scoop-viewer という python で書かれた GUI フロントエンドも存在する。


$ scoop bucket add scoop-viewer-bucket https://github.com/prezesp/scoop-viewer-bucket.git
Checking repo... ok
The scoop-viewer-bucket bucket was added successfully.
$ scoop install scoop-viewer
Installing 'scoop-viewer' (v0.8.1) [64bit]
scoop-viewer.zip (18.2 MB) [==================================================================================] 100%
WARN  Warning: No hash in manifest. SHA256 for 'scoop-viewer.zip' is:
Extracting scoop-viewer.zip ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\scoop-viewer\current => ~\scoop\apps\scoop-viewer\v0.8.1
Creating shim for 'scoopviewer'.
Running post-install script...
'scoop-viewer' (v0.8.1) was installed successfully!


$ scoop gui

Scoop Viewer 001

Scoop のアンインストール

$ scoop uninstall scoop
WARN  This will uninstall Scoop and all the programs that have been installed with Scoop!
Are you sure? (yN): y
Removing ~\scoop\shims from your path.
Scoop has been uninstalled.

~/scoop/persist フォルダが削除される。

$ del ~\scoop -Force

~/scoop フォルダを削除すると Scoop を再インストールできる。

Uninstalling Scoop · lukesampson/scoop Wiki · GitHub より


Scoop の独自パッケージを作成して、自前の bucket でアプリを配信するのは意外と簡単です🥰

github に好きな名前でリポジトリを作成する。(自前の bucket)

$ mkdir usukawa-taiyaki
$ cd usukawa-taiyaki
$ echo "# usukawa-taiyaki" >> README.md
$ git init
$ git add README.md
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ git branch -M main
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:my_git_account/usukawa-taiyaki.git
$ git push -u origin main

既存のアプリを Scoop 化するにはアプリをインストールするためのマニフェスト(app manifest)を書く。 Mixxx を Scoop 化するための最低限なマニフェスト定義を書く🤔

    "version": "2.3.1",
    "description": "Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.",
    "homepage": "https://mixxx.org/",
    "license": {
        "identifier": "Freeware,GPL-2.0-only",
        "url": "https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/blob/main/LICENSE"
    "architecture": {
        "64bit": {
            "url": "https://downloads.mixxx.org/releases/2.3.1/mixxx-2.3.1-win64.msi",
            "hash": "c624f5ba54f1e7711a4cd9a92a623bddf3439d339082544c2855fe4f7d285b3c"
    "extract_dir": "Mixxx",
    "bin": "mixxx.exe",
    "shortcuts": [


$ scoop install .\mixxx.json
Installing 'mixxx' (2.3.1) [64bit]
Loading mixxx-2.3.1-win64.msi from cache
Checking hash of mixxx-2.3.1-win64.msi ... ok.
Extracting mixxx-2.3.1-win64.msi ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\mixxx\current => ~\scoop\apps\mixxx\2.3.1
Creating shim for 'mixxx'.
Creating shortcut for Mixxx (mixxx.exe)
'mixxx' (2.3.1) was installed successfully!

マニフェストを自前の bucket に追加する🤤

$ git add mixxx.json
$ git commit -m "Added manifest for Mixxx package."
$ git push

Scoop で自前の bucket を使えるように登録する。

$ scoop bucket add usukawa-taiyaki https://github.com/tomoyan596/usukawa-taiyaki
Checking repo... ok
The usukawa-taiyaki bucket was added successfully.

アプリを一旦アンインストールしてから、自前の bucket が使用出来るか確認する🤔

$ scoop uninstall mixxx
Uninstalling 'mixxx' (2.3.1).
Removing shim for 'mixxx'.
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\Mixxx.lnk
Unlinking ~\scoop\apps\mixxx\current
$ scoop install mixxx
Installing 'mixxx' (2.3.1) [64bit]
Loading mixxx-2.3.1-win64.msi from cache
Checking hash of mixxx-2.3.1-win64.msi ... ok.
Extracting mixxx-2.3.1-win64.msi ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\mixxx\current => ~\scoop\apps\mixxx\2.3.1
Creating shim for 'mixxx'.
Creating shortcut for Mixxx (mixxx.exe)
'mixxx' (2.3.1) was installed successfully!

参考: Scoopを使ったWindows環境構築のススメ - Super!! - Qiita
 App Manifests · lukesampson/scoop Wiki


Scoop Apps のショートカットが消えた場合

アプリはスタートメニュー (Scoop Apps) に登録される。

%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps

Windows の大型アップデートによって、ショートカットが消えるらしい…😅💦

$ scoop reset *
Resetting 7zip (19.00).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\7zip\current => ~\scoop\apps\7zip\19.00
Creating shim for '7z'.
Creating shortcut for 7-Zip (7zFM.exe)
Resetting aria2 (1.35.0-1).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\aria2\current => ~\scoop\apps\aria2\1.35.0-1
Creating shim for 'aria2c'.
Resetting freac (1.0.33).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\freac\current => ~\scoop\apps\freac\1.0.33
Creating shim for 'freaccmd'.
Creating shortcut for freac - free audio converter (freac.exe)
Persisting freac.xml
Resetting mongodb (4.2.5).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\mongodb\current => ~\scoop\apps\mongodb\4.2.5
Creating shim for 'bsondump'.
Creating shim for 'mongo'.
Creating shim for 'mongod'.
Creating shim for 'mongodump'.
Creating shim for 'mongoexport'.
Creating shim for 'mongofiles'.
Creating shim for 'mongoimport'.
Creating shim for 'mongorestore'.
Creating shim for 'mongos'.
Creating shim for 'mongostat'.
Creating shim for 'mongotop'.
Persisting bin\mongod.cfg
Persisting data
Persisting log
Resetting openssh (7.6p1).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\openssh\current => ~\scoop\apps\openssh\7.6p1
Creating shim for 'findssl.sh'.
Creating shim for 'scp'.
Creating shim for 'sftp'.
Creating shim for 'ssh'.
Creating shim for 'ssh-add'.
Creating shim for 'ssh-agent'.
Creating shim for 'ssh-copy-id'.
Creating shim for 'ssh-keygen'.
Creating shim for 'ssh-keyscan'.
Creating shim for 'sshd'.
Resetting powershell (7.0.0).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\powershell\current => ~\scoop\apps\powershell\7.0.0
Creating shim for 'pwsh'.
Creating shortcut for PowerShell Core (pwsh.exe)
Resetting scoop-viewer (v0.8.1).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\scoop-viewer\current => ~\scoop\apps\scoop-viewer\v0.8.1
Creating shim for 'scoopviewer'.
Resetting sudo (0.2020.01.26).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\sudo\current => ~\scoop\apps\sudo\0.2020.01.26
Creating shim for 'sudo'.
Resetting sysinternals (December.18.2019).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\sysinternals\current => ~\scoop\apps\sysinternals\December.18.2019
Creating shim for 'accesschk'.
Creating shim for 'accesschk64'.
Creating shim for 'AccessEnum'.
Creating shim for 'ADExplorer'.
Creating shim for 'ADInsight'.
Creating shim for 'adrestore'.
Creating shim for 'Autologon'.
Creating shim for 'Autoruns'.
Creating shim for 'Autoruns64'.
Creating shim for 'autorunsc'.
Creating shim for 'autorunsc64'.
Creating shim for 'Bginfo'.
Creating shim for 'Bginfo64'.
Creating shim for 'Cacheset'.
Creating shim for 'Clockres'.
Creating shim for 'Clockres64'.
Creating shim for 'Contig'.
Creating shim for 'Contig64'.
Creating shim for 'Coreinfo'.
Creating shim for 'ctrl2cap'.
Creating shim for 'Dbgview'.
Creating shim for 'Desktops'.
Creating shim for 'disk2vhd'.
Creating shim for 'diskext'.
Creating shim for 'diskext64'.
Creating shim for 'Diskmon'.
Creating shim for 'DiskView'.
Creating shim for 'du'.
Creating shim for 'du64'.
Creating shim for 'efsdump'.
Creating shim for 'FindLinks'.
Creating shim for 'FindLinks64'.
Creating shim for 'handle'.
Creating shim for 'handle64'.
Creating shim for 'hex2dec'.
Creating shim for 'hex2dec64'.
Creating shim for 'junction'.
Creating shim for 'junction64'.
Creating shim for 'ldmdump'.
Creating shim for 'Listdlls'.
Creating shim for 'Listdlls64'.
Creating shim for 'livekd'.
Creating shim for 'livekd64'.
Creating shim for 'LoadOrd'.
Creating shim for 'LoadOrd64'.
Creating shim for 'LoadOrdC'.
Creating shim for 'LoadOrdC64'.
Creating shim for 'logonsessions'.
Creating shim for 'logonsessions64'.
Creating shim for 'movefile'.
Creating shim for 'movefile64'.
Creating shim for 'notmyfault'.
Creating shim for 'notmyfault64'.
Creating shim for 'notmyfaultc'.
Creating shim for 'notmyfaultc64'.
Creating shim for 'ntfsinfo'.
Creating shim for 'ntfsinfo64'.
Creating shim for 'pagedfrg'.
Creating shim for 'pendmoves'.
Creating shim for 'pendmoves64'.
Creating shim for 'pipelist'.
Creating shim for 'pipelist64'.
Creating shim for 'portmon'.
Creating shim for 'procdump'.
Creating shim for 'procdump64'.
Creating shim for 'procexp'.
Creating shim for 'procexp64'.
Creating shim for 'Procmon'.
Creating shim for 'PsExec'.
Creating shim for 'PsExec64'.
Creating shim for 'psfile'.
Creating shim for 'psfile64'.
Creating shim for 'PsGetsid'.
Creating shim for 'PsGetsid64'.
Creating shim for 'PsInfo'.
Creating shim for 'PsInfo64'.
Creating shim for 'pskill'.
Creating shim for 'pskill64'.
Creating shim for 'pslist'.
Creating shim for 'pslist64'.
Creating shim for 'PsLoggedon'.
Creating shim for 'PsLoggedon64'.
Creating shim for 'psloglist'.
Creating shim for 'pspasswd'.
Creating shim for 'pspasswd64'.
Creating shim for 'psping'.
Creating shim for 'psping64'.
Creating shim for 'PsService'.
Creating shim for 'PsService64'.
Creating shim for 'psshutdown'.
Creating shim for 'pssuspend'.
Creating shim for 'pssuspend64'.
Creating shim for 'RAMMap'.
Creating shim for 'RegDelNull'.
Creating shim for 'RegDelNull64'.
Creating shim for 'regjump'.
Creating shim for 'ru'.
Creating shim for 'ru64'.
Creating shim for 'sdelete'.
Creating shim for 'sdelete64'.
Creating shim for 'ShareEnum'.
Creating shim for 'ShellRunas'.
Creating shim for 'sigcheck'.
Creating shim for 'sigcheck64'.
Creating shim for 'streams'.
Creating shim for 'streams64'.
Creating shim for 'strings'.
Creating shim for 'strings64'.
Creating shim for 'sync'.
Creating shim for 'sync64'.
Creating shim for 'Sysmon'.
Creating shim for 'Sysmon64'.
Creating shim for 'Tcpvcon'.
Creating shim for 'Tcpview'.
Creating shim for 'Testlimit'.
Creating shim for 'Testlimit64'.
Creating shim for 'vmmap'.
Creating shim for 'Volumeid'.
Creating shim for 'Volumeid64'.
Creating shim for 'whois'.
Creating shim for 'whois64'.
Creating shim for 'Winobj'.
Creating shim for 'ZoomIt'.
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/AccessEnum - View accesses to directories, files and registry keys (AccessEnum.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/AdExplorer - Active Directory viewer and editor (AdExplorer.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/AdInsight - An LDAP real-time monitoring tool (AdInsight.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Autologon - Bypass password screen during logon (Autologon.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Autoruns - View startup programs and processes (autoruns64.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/BGInfo - Wallpaper text configurator (Bginfo64.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/CacheSet - Control the Cache Manager's working set size (CACHESET.EXE)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/DebugView - View OutputDebugString and DbgPrint output (Dbgview.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Desktops - Create up to four virtual desktops (Desktops.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Disk2vhd - Create VHD files from online disk (Disk2vhd.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/DiskMon - Disk activity monitor (Diskmon.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/DiskView - Graphical disk sector utility (DiskView.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/LoadOrder - See the order in which devices are loaded (LOADORD.EXE)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/NotMyFault - Crash, hang, and cause kernel memory leaks (NotMyFault64.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/PageDefrag - Defragment paging files and registry hives (pagedfrg.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/PortMon - Serial and parallel port activity monitor (PORTMON.EXE)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/ProcessExplorer - Enhanced Task Manager (procexp64.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/ProcessMonitor - Monitor file system, registry, process, thread and DLL activity (ProcMon.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/RAMMap - Graphical display of memory usage (RAMMap.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/ShareEnum - View network shares (ShareEnum.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/TcpView - List TCP UDP endpoints (Tcpview.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/VMMap - View Virtual and Physical Memory (vmmap.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/Winobj - Object Manager namespace viewer (Winobj.exe)
Creating shortcut for SysInternals/ZoomIt - Screen magnifier for zooming and drawing on the screen (ZoomIt.exe)
Resetting vim (8.2).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\vim\current => ~\scoop\apps\vim\8.2
Creating shim for 'vim'.
Creating shim for 'vi'.
Creating shim for 'ex'.
Creating shim for 'view'.
Creating shim for 'rvim'.
Creating shim for 'rview'.
Creating shim for 'vimdiff'.
Creating shim for 'gvim'.
Creating shim for 'gview'.
Creating shim for 'evim'.
Creating shim for 'eview'.
Creating shim for 'rgvim'.
Creating shim for 'rgview'.
Creating shim for 'gvimdiff'.
Creating shim for 'xxd'.
Creating shortcut for gVim (gvim.exe)
Persisting _vimrc
Persisting _gvimrc
Persisting vimfiles
Persisting vimrc

Couldn't find manifest for 'app name'. が発生する場合

$ scoop install sysinternals
Updating Scoop...
Updating 'main' bucket...
Checking repo... ok
The main bucket was added successfully.
Scoop was updated successfully!
Couldn't find manifest for 'sysinternals'.


$ scoop search sysinternals
Results from other known buckets...
(add them using 'scoop bucket add <name>')

'extras' bucket:

extras バケットを追加する。

$ scoop bucket add extras
Checking repo... ok
The extras bucket was added successfully.

The SSL connection could not be established エラーで scoop がインストールできない場合

SSL 接続を確立できませんと言われて scoop のインストールに失敗する。
PowerShell v7.1.4 になってから急に発生した現象であるが、ちなみに PowerShell 5.1 ではでは問題なく実行できた。
参考: 最新のPowerShell v7.1.4 でScoopはインストールできない❓🤔SSL接続を確立できませんって言われます🤔古いPowerShell v5.1では問題ないようです🤤何が原因なんでしょうねぇ🤔 / Twitter

$ iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex
Invoke-Expression: Exception calling "DownloadString" with "1" argument(s): "The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception."

Installation failed, due to SSL/TLS Error [fix] · Issue #4002 · lukesampson/scoop · GitHub

SecurityProtocolType 列挙型で指定可能な一覧は以下の文献を参照のこと🤤
SecurityProtocolType 列挙型 (System.Net)

$ [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls13
$ iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex
Downloading scoop...
Creating shim...
Downloading main bucket...
'lastupdate' has been set to '2021-10-06T10:20:25.7125822+09:00'
Scoop was installed successfully!
Type 'scoop help' for instructions.

$7zPath で Cannot validate argument on parameter 'FilePath'. エラーが発生する場合

~ $ scoop install firefox
Installing 'firefox' (93.0) [64bit]
Loading Firefox%20Setup%2093.0.exe from cache
Checking hash of Firefox%20Setup%2093.0.exe ... ok.
Extracting dl.7z ... Invoke-ExternalCommand: C:\Users\tomoyan\scoop\apps\scoop\current\lib\decompress.ps1:81
Line |
  81 |      $Status = Invoke-ExternalCommand $7zPath $ArgList -LogPath $LogPa …
     |                                       ~~~~~~~
     | Cannot validate argument on parameter 'FilePath'. The argument is null or empty.
     | Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.

Failed to extract files from C:\Users\tomoyan\scoop\apps\firefox\93.0\dl.7z.
Log file:

Please try again or create a new issue by using the following link and paste your console output:
~ $

scoop の shims には shim ファイルが存在しているが…🤔

~ $ which 7z

7z を実行すると \apps\7zip\current\7z.exe は認識されないとのエラーになる😥

~ $ 7z
&: C:\Users\tomoyan\scoop\shims\7z.ps1:3
Line |
   3 |  … on.expectingInput) { $input | & $path  @args } else { & $path  @args  …
     |                                                            ~~~~~
     | The term 'C:\Users\tomoyan\scoop\shims\..\apps\7zip\current\7z.exe' is not
     | recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
     | Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
     | correct and try again.

\apps\7zip\current が指している先に 7z.exe が何故か存在していない😥
7z Path Error 002

7zip を修復するには 7zip を強制アップデートで再インストールする🤤

~ $ scoop update -f 7zip
7zip: 19.00 -> 19.00
Updating one outdated app:
Updating '7zip' (19.00 -> 19.00)
Downloading new version
Loading 7z1900-x64.msi from cache
Checking hash of 7z1900-x64.msi ... ok.
Uninstalling '7zip' (19.00)
Removing shim for '7z'.
Unlinking ~\scoop\apps\7zip\current
Installing '7zip' (19.00) [64bit]
Loading 7z1900-x64.msi from cache
Extracting 7z1900-x64.msi ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\7zip\current => ~\scoop\apps\7zip\19.00
Creating shim for '7z'.
Creating shortcut for 7-Zip (7zFM.exe)
'7zip' (19.00) was installed successfully!

壊れた 7zip は .old に移動されて、7zip が再インストールされる。
7z Path Error 004
7z Path Error 005


~ $ scoop uninstall firefox
Uninstalling 'firefox' (93.0).
'firefox' was uninstalled.
~ $ scoop install firefox
Installing 'firefox' (93.0) [64bit]
Loading Firefox%20Setup%2093.0.exe from cache
Checking hash of Firefox%20Setup%2093.0.exe ... ok.
Extracting dl.7z ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\firefox\current => ~\scoop\apps\firefox\93.0
Creating shim for 'firefox'.
Creating shortcut for Firefox (firefox.exe)
'firefox' (93.0) was installed successfully!

